What is a Data Warehouse? Definitions, Functions and Uses

What is a Data Warehouse? Definitions, Functions and Uses
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In: Data Engineering

This is a question that many business owners and managers have asked themselves at some point or another. A data warehouse can be defined as a "centralized, integrated repository for data from multiple sources."

In other words, it is a database that stores information from various sources so that it can be accessed and analyzed easily. Data warehouses are often used for decision support, business intelligence, and market research. In this blog post, we will discuss the definition of a data warehouse, its functions, and some of its most common uses.

What is a data warehouse and what are its functions?

Data warehouses are designed to support data analysis and decision-making. They are usually centralized repositories of large amounts of structured data, and they typically use a relational database.

Data warehouses can be used to track trends over time, understand customer behaviour, and make predictions about future outcomes. Data warehouses are also often used to support marketing campaigns and to measure the performance of marketing initiatives.

Because data warehouses are designed to be accessed by analysts and decision-makers, they typically have a higher level of data quality than operational databases.

Data warehousing is a critical component of business intelligence initiatives, and it can provide organizations with a competitive advantage.

What industries use data warehouses and for what reasons?

Data warehousing is the process of collecting and storing data from multiple sources in a single location. Data warehouses are used by businesses to help make better decisions by providing a centralized, consolidated view of the data. Data warehouses can be used for various purposes such as reporting, analytics, and decision making.

Healthcare organizations use data warehouses to track patient medical records, understand disease trends, and make decisions about treatment options.

Retailers use data warehouses to track customer purchase history, understand spending patterns, and make decisions about inventory levels.

Banks use data warehouses to track financial transactions, understand customer behaviour, and make fraud detection possible.

Data warehousing is a powerful tool that can help businesses make better decisions by providing a centralized view of the data. When used effectively, data warehouses can provide insights that would not be possible with other methods of analysis.

ETL: Extract, Transform and Load

This is the process of moving data from its source, making any changes necessary (transform), and then loading it into the data warehouse (loading).

ELT: Extract, Load and Transform

This is the process of moving data from its source and loading it into the data warehouse first. The transformation step happens within the data warehouse itself.

Data Mart

A data mart is a smaller subset of a data warehouse that contains only the data needed by a specific group or department


An OLAP cube is a data structure that allows for quick analysis of data. It is made up of dimensions and measures. Dimensions are the different characteristics of the data, such as time, location, or product. Measures are the values that can be calculated, such as sales or profit. Hypercubes are a type of OLAP cube that can have more than two dimensions.

Star Schema

A star schema is the simplest type of data warehouse schema. It is made up of a central table, called the fact table, and some smaller tables called dimension tables. The fact table contains the data that will be analyzed, and the dimension tables contain information about the dimensions of the data.

Snowflake Schema

A snowflake schema is a more complex type of data warehouse schema. It is made up of a central table, called the fact table, and several smaller tables called dimension tables. The dimension tables are connected to each other by foreign keys.

Activity Schema

An activity schema is a type of data warehouse schema in which all the data is consolidated in events into a single time series table.

Data Warehouse as a Service (DWaaS)

Data warehouse as a service is a cloud-based data storage and analysis solution. DWaaS providers offer a variety of features, such as data warehousing, data mining, and data visualization.

The Bottom Line

A data warehouse is a powerful tool for any business. By taking the time to understand the different functions of a data warehouse, you can start to see just how valuable this tool can be for gaining insights into your customers and operations.

If you’re interested in learning more about data warehouses or need help getting started on building your own, reach out to us. Our team has years of experience in designing and implementing data warehouses that provide our clients with the insights they need to succeed.

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